Wednesday, January 27, 2010

April Showers bring..... FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC Blog Designs

So you'll all remember that about a month ago I packed up all my stuff and moved from wordpress to blogger.

I believe I was partially honest and admitted that it was because I am shallow and wanted more freedom to beautify my blog. While that is the truth there is, as there always is, more to the story.

I had stumbled upon April of April Shower's Blog Design and had fallen truly, madly and deeply in love (with her designs? with her? It's all a blur). I couldn't keep my feelings all bottled up any longer and sent her an email, only to find this heartbreaking reply in my inbox hours later...

Hey Katherine!

Sadly I'm only able to install Blogger designs! I wish I knew how to do wordpress though! If you are able to install say, a header, by yourself then I could totally design something for you. It's just the "install" part that I don't know how to do!

April Durham

Please visit my site at

So I moved to blogger... was it creepy and obsessive ? Absolutely I don't think so! What choice did I have?

Well since then I've been pinching my pennies and stalking occasionally checking in on her blog and facebook fan page,

You're probably wondering why I'm telling you all this. It's because this morning I received the answer to my prayers.... an April Showers giveaway!

If she gets to 400 facebook fans before Friday, January 29th at 5pm MT she will give away TWO $100 gift certificates to TWO lucky winners!

So get your ass over there and become a fan! Then head over to her site and start dreaming big blog design dreams.

But if I catch you giving me some competition on the contest... we're going to have some words. All I'm saying!


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